Angela Hunt Blog

Would you like to be more creative in 2015?

Who wouldn't?  I've been allowed to offer you this four-day course in unleashing your creativity--and it's free!  Share the news on your Facebook page and/or in emails to your friends, and you can earn some pretty cool bonuses. The course is easy--it's four days of...

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Some of you were kind enough to leave comments and questions, so I'll do my best to answer them here. Rachel wrote:  Why are established authors finding it difficult to sell their work? Are people not reading like they used to do? A:  Many reasons, Rachel, and yes,...

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BOM: The Editing

You may not be aware of how the process works, but once a fiction manuscript is handed in, it goes through at least two edits--really three.  First is the "substantive" or "Macro" edit (choose your favorite term), where an editor reads the entire manuscript without...

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BOM: The Writing

Writing Esther was quite enjoyable, actually. Though I didn't have a publisher-imposed deadline, I still gave myself one because I work better under pressure.  The girl who optioned the novel as a screenplay had said something that resonated with me--she said that she...

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BOM: The Research

Fortunately, I like research. I love poring over books and articles and discovering amazing things that would work well in a story. One of my favorite discoveries was the medieval times belief that twins had to have been fathered by different men. Oh, wow!  Fodder for...

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The Germination of the Idea–Esther, Book of the Month

Like millions of people, I have always loved the story of Esther--who wouldn't?  To a girl, it's a Cinderella story, and to a young woman, Esther is a heroine to admire. I wanted to write Esther's story right after I finished THE SHADOW WOMEN, years ago, but my...

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Happy New Year!

Happy 2015!  I am always happy to see an old year go and a new year begin . . . for the same reason I like Mondays.  Fresh starts.  Deep breaths.  Time to regroup, renew, and restore what has been spent over the past 365 days. And, as always, whenever I have a new...

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Angela Hunt

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