Happy 2015! I am always happy to see an old year go and a new year begin . . . for the same reason I like Mondays. Fresh starts. Deep breaths. Time to regroup, renew, and restore what has been spent over the past 365 days.
And, as always, whenever I have a new release, I like to take a few days and talk about what all went into the writing of the book. Since officially releases this month (though it’s been out a couple of weeks), I’ll be taking the next few days to talk about why I wrote it, how I wrote it, and anything else that strikes my fancy. If you have any questions, be sure to leave them in the comments, because on the last day I’ll answer any questions you have.
So–happy new year to you! And tomorrow I’ll talk about why I wrote Esther.
Hope 2015 holds many blessings and new adventures for you!