Angela Hunt Blog
Summer Reading Special
I hope you'll have some free time to read this summer--in between all the other things we have to do. 🙂 I've put together a Summer Reading Special for you--five books for ten bucks. Can't beat that! Details can be found here. And please help me spread the...
BOM: Delilah Q&A
Thanks for the questions! Photo: We're in the middle of a tropical storm right now, so I AM praying for flowers . . . June 7th: Delilah's official release date! Sioux asked: My question is, as a fledgling author myself, I often find myself researching unusual...
BOM: Delilah, Reaction and Reviews
As I write this, Delilah hasn't been officially released, though reader review copies have gone out. And so I'm happy to report that so far, the reviews for Delilah have made me very happy. I read reviews, not to feel pumped up, but to see if I'm reaching my goals--if...
BOM: The Editing of Delilah
Every book needs to be edited--no exceptions. Dave Long is my most excellent editor on this series, and honestly, the thing I remember most is this: When Delilah is feeling threatened by an enemy from her past, Dave wrote, "Why doesn't she just send Samson to kill...
BOM: The Writing of DELILAH
I keep a ten-year journal--I've done it for 18 years. I can only write a few lines on each page, but it's enough to remind me of where I was at that point in each year. The other day--May 11, to be exact--I read the entry from May 11, 2015: Worked VERY hard to finish...
BOM: The Research
When writing about ancient times, a writer must do a lot of research on daily life--how did people travel? Cook? Make clothing? Work? What were the social circumstances? What was the status of women? What gods were worshipped, and by whom? In writing DELILAH, I faced...
Book of the month: Delilah!
As you may know, whenever I have a new book releasing, I like to do a "book of the month" feature to answer any questions about the new book. So it begins today and will continue for the next week or so. This month's book is DELILAH, the third and last book in the...
Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #10
Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all 33 stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 3 grand prizes! The hunt BEGINS with Stop #1 at Lisa...
Welcome to the Party OR Starting a New Novel
Starting a new novel is like going to a party where you don't know anyone, no one wants to talk to you, and you're not really sure what you're doing there. There are people--characters--who look at you and dare you to shake them up. You don't really know them, so you...

Angela Hunt
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