Thanks for the questions! Photo: We’re in the middle of a tropical storm right now, so I AM praying for flowers . . . June 7th: Delilah’s official release date! Sioux asked: My question is, as a fledgling author myself, I often find myself researching...
When writing about ancient times, a writer must do a lot of research on daily life–how did people travel? Cook? Make clothing? Work? What were the social circumstances? What was the status of women? What gods were worshipped, and by whom? In writing DELILAH, I...
I’ve been tickled pink with most of the reviews of BATHSHEBA as they trickle in, but I’m always a little chagrinned when someone takes issue with something I wrote in the book. For instance, I read a review last night where a woman said that...
THE OFFERING required a lot of research into an experience most women take for granted: childbirth. Though I have two children, I’ve never given birth or been pregnant, so I had no idea or experience to draw from–and this in a book that centers around a...
Because I set The Note in Tampa Bay–my home–I didn’t have to do too much research into the setting. I did have to research the job of newspaper columnist, however, as well as panic attacks. To learn how to be a newspaper columnist, I emailed a...
Because I set The Note in Tampa Bay–my home–I didn’t have to do too much research into the setting. I did have to research the job of newspaper columnist, however, as well as panic attacks. To learn how to be a newspaper columnist, I emailed a...