A Lunch of Like Minds . . .

I enjoyed a special treat today–one of my dearest writer friends was in town, so we met at this little tea shoppe for brunch . . . and sat and talked for nearly four hours. We talked about our books, of course, but also about our families, our goals, and our...

A first. A blog. Maybe it’s time.

I’ve been thinking about blogging for some time, but I’ve tended to think that anything I might write in a daily blog would be . . . well, boring. I was once on a panel at a writer’s conference where we were all asked about our writing schedules. I...

A first. A blog. Maybe it’s time.

I’ve been thinking about blogging for some time, but I’ve tended to think that anything I might write in a daily blog would be . . . well, boring. I was once on a panel at a writer’s conference where we were all asked about our writing schedules. I...