Years ago when I began to take pictures of dogs at the SPCA, my world changed in many ways. First, I became keenly interested in photography, to the point that I am now a professional photographer (when I’m not writing books). Second, I became aware that there is a community of “dog people” in my area–men and women who love dogs and will move heaven and earth to work on behalf of dogs in need of help. And when you think of how selflessly dogs work to please mankind, shouldn’t most of us be avid dog-advocates?
I grew to admire these folks (and yes, there are just as many devoted cat-people), and now count many of them as good friends. So earlier this spring, when I was out in Seattle and saw a delightful book called “Seattle Dog,” my first thought was “Why don’t we have a book called Tampa Bay Dog? After all, we live in a large metropolitan area, and we get thousands of tourists every year. And we love dogs!”
So I approached two wonderful women who are active in the Tampa Bay Dog scene, and also happen to be dog experts. Terry and Deb not only agreed to help me out, they also wrote some of the chapters. And together we tried to come up with the most useful information we could in the hope that it will benefit dog owners everywhere, but particularly in Tampa Bay. You’ll find lists of our favorite local vets, ads for our favorite local stores, addresses for our dog beaches, and even lists of our local dog-friendly hotels. So if you’re ever planning to visit Tampa Bay, Florida, Clearwater, or St. Petersburg with your dog, be sure to check out this book. 🙂
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