It’s been a while since I had a book of the month feature, and it’s been a while since I’ve had a new release!  But on May 14th, THE OFFERING officially releases, and I’m excited about its debut.  Unlike my last two books, which featured sister relationships and were more character-driven stories, this one is more plot driven, though there is also a lot of character development.

TheOffering COMPS copy

In a book of the month feature, I typically set aside seven days to discuss where the idea originated, how I researched the book, how I wrote it, what the editing process was like, and any results or reviews–good or bad.  The final day of this week-long feature is devoted to answering your questions, so jot them down as they spring to your mind.  🙂


And now–The Offering!  Here’s a synopsis:


After growing up as an only child, Amanda Lisandra wants a big family. But since she and her soldier husband can’t afford to have more children right away, Mandy decides to earn money as a gestational carrier for a childless couple. She loves being pregnant, and while carrying the child she dreams of having her own son and maybe another daughter…

Just when the nearly perfect pregnancy is about to conclude, unexpected tragedy enters Mandy’s world and leaves her reeling. Devastated by grief, she surrenders the child she was carrying and struggles to regain her emotional equilibrium.

Two years later she studies a photograph of the baby she bore and wonders if the unthinkable has happened—could she have inadvertently given away her own biological child? Over the next few months Mandy struggles to decide between the desires of her grief-stricken heart and what’s best for the little boy she has never known.


 Talk to you again tomorrow, when we’ll discuss where the idea originated!


  1. Kathy Cassel

    Interesting premise. I love that your books tackle the tough issues.


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