On Friday I printed out the first draft of my work-in-progress, THE OFFERING.  It’s skimpy and pretty horrible, but at least now I know what the story’s about, who’s in it, and where the holes are.  Now, having that much settled, I’ll begin filling in and filing out to make it into something I can actually show in public.  🙂

I changed several things as I went along.  I started in third person (Mandy went out), but switched to first person in the middle of the first draft (I went out).  It’ll be a more personal story that way.  I also write scenes from another women’s viewpoint, then decided to cut all those, or to rewrite them from Mandy’s viewpoint (she’s the main character).  I also visited a Cuban grocery store, home to much of the action, and realized that I seriously needed to change my perception of the place.

Anyway, the work goes on. But while I’m working on THE OFFERING, I received a box of ARCs (advanced reader’s copies) of my newest release FIVE MILES SOUTH OF PECULIAR.  This book doesn’t officially release until June, but since I have a box of reader’s copies, I plan to hold a contest soon and give a few books away.  So stay tuned . . .

What’s PECULIAR about?  It’s about three sisters, but these gals are nothing like the three sisters in THE FINE ART OF INSINCERITY.  Peculiar is set in a fictional small town called, naturally, Peculiar, and it’s located up in the Florida panhandle.  If it were really located anywhere, that is, that’s where you’d find it. 🙂

I put together a little trailer about it, and you can watch it below.

So stay tuned for more information on how you can get an advanced readers’ copy of Peculiar! 🙂



  1. Kristin

    I remember when you first started talking about how “Five Miles South of Peculiar” would be a good title for a book. This one looks lovely!

  2. Anonymous

    Yay!! I tried to *like* this on the facebook, but it kept having an error, so I had to comment on here instead. It makes me want to fry some plantains in your honor and use the little tostonera smasher I bought. I also laughed when I saw who the “film” was written by. Well. I think I am so curious now that I will just have to read both of these as soon as they come out! I hope there will be lots of beans and pig knuckles in the grocery store.

  3. Kay Day

    Can’t wait to read both of these!
    There is a Peculiar, Missouri. I thought it would be fun to live in a town called Peculiar.
    Better than Hygiene. That’s north of Denver.

  4. Anonymous

    Don’t we all start drooling when there’s a new Angela E Hunt book about to hit the shelves? It seems like it’s been ages since “Sincerity”, or is it because I am so greedy I devour each book in one sitting? (Well, almost …) Congratulations! Clyde

  5. SmilingSally

    I’d love to read an ARC of Peculiar.

  6. lv2scpbk

    When does the contest start? I love all of Angela’s books.


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