If you’ve been following this blog very long, you know that I don’t often gush about materialistic things.  Frankly, there aren’t that many things that knock my socks off.

Until I met these shoes.

Oh, my.  Lately I’ve had this urge to purge, so I’ve been cleaning out drawers and closets, etc.  I decided that at my age, I no longer had to suffer the aches and pains of too-tall heels, so from now on, all my shoes were going to be sensible heels of 2.5 inches or less.  So I tossed out several pairs, then went looking for sensible shoes to fill some of the gaping vacancies.

On zulily.com, one of my favorite flash discount shopping sites, I saw a pair of shoes that looked great. Ordered them, and found them when I got home yesterday.

Wow.  Even the box took my breath away.  It wasn’t a typical shoe box, with a lid that lifts off.  Oh, no, it was styled more like a drawer covered in delicate floral paper, complete with cord handles. The “drawer” slid out, and inside the delicate tissue paper I found the most glorious shoes.  So lovely, so unique, and so comfortable.  Even the bottom of the shoe was patterned with a lovely floral design in COLOR.

I looked at the label: Poetic Licence, London (notice the British spelling).  And then I went online in a search for more of these shoes.  You’ll find them all over the place, in everything from flats to too-tall heels (for this woman, anyway), but all of them are bright, unique, colorful, and dazzling.  I am in love.  Don’t pay retail–you can find sites that discount them dramatically.  🙂

So here I am, gushing over shoes.  (I ordered three more pairs).   And for these shoes, I might even venture to wear a three-inch heel.   (But not those you see in the purple picture!)  🙂



  1. Mocha with Linda

    Wow – I can never order shoes online with any confidence that they will fit. But those are intriguing. Love how you described the box.

    And LOL the green picture. If those had been read, that picture made me think of the Wizard of Oz and the feet sticking out from the house! 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    Sounds like that box would be a good to fill for Operation Christmas Child! Tis the season for shoebox gifts!

  3. Leslie

    I love those ones in the purple frame! Too high of a heel for me though.

  4. Kay Day

    I love these! My feet are terribly hard to fit, though.


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