Thanks to LInda, who sent this to me. How sweet . . . and how true. No wonder I get teary-eyed whenever I hear a good dog story. I think it’s because they are the best, most accessible example of God’s unconditional love.
BJ Hoff recently wrote to me raving about Dean Koontz’s latest book A BIG LITTLE LIFE: A MEMOIR OF A JOYFUL DOG. Mr. Koontz wrote to me after I wrote to him when his dog Trixie died, and I shared my letter with his book club. We all passed it around, each one reading a page, and most of us sobbing through it.
A big little life, indeed. Found in the heart of every dog.
Love this post. Love God and dogs and have experienced His uncondtional love.
In both your text and in that of the first commenter, the key word … UNCONDITIONAL. Would that my cats and I could love that way. We are at least blessed to be recipients. Clyde