Morning, everyone!

My Internet has been in and out for the last couple of days–the cable man says my modem is dying, but they’re supposed to bring me a new one this afternoon. Hoping they do. 🙂
You’ve heard me talk about A NOVEL IDEA, the “how to” writing book assembled by some friends of mine. You may recall that the idea was born one night last year when Robin Jones Gunn was hanging out at my house and we went to Five Guys for burgers. 🙂
Anyway, Robin left my house and went straightaway to a board meeting for Media Associates International, the group to whom all royalties from A NOVEL IDEA will go. MAI trains foreign Christian writers on their own soils.
Some British members of the MAI board were so thrilled and challenged by our idea, that they decided that the Brits would do something, too. LOL–so “three men in their boots was born.” Three men from Lion Publishing in the U.K. (They are the “home” publisher for my book THE TALE OF THREE TREES) are going to trek along the Thames to raise money for MAI. You can follow their progress online at this site. While you’re on that site, you can also click on “home” to learn more about MAI.
So–here’s to global participation in this effort. Words are communication, and we are commanded to “go tell.” Sounds like a lovely effort!


  1. Mocha with Linda

    You gals are just trendsetters!

    I assumed you were in Denver at ACFW this weekend, but I haven’t seen you in any of the pictures others have posted.

  2. Angela

    Nope, I am home working. 🙂



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