Have you heard of the “I am Second” movement? You can check it out at http://www.iamsecond.com. Take some time and click around the site–it’s well-done and really interesting.

A new approach to reaching your friends and neighbors. I like it!


  1. Anonymous

    This is wonderful. I had not yet heard of this, but I am looking forward to exploring the site more fully. Randomly clicked on Jason Castro and felt like I had received a blessed sermon for the day. Thanks, Angie! Clyde

  2. Anonymous

    Thanks, Angie. You always search out the neatest sites, pictures, + to share with us. How wonderful to see evidence of how God uses everything–even technology which so many think (and often does) lead us away from Him–to spread His Word and knowledge of Him.

    I need that reminder, especially today, as I am troubled about some children in the DR Congo who are being tortured in Jesus’ name as witches. From half a world away I needed to be reminded as I plead with God for them–He has an infinite variety of tools to reach them and remedy the abomination.

    God bless,
    Mary Kay


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