Well, Angie, living in snow country is like being a part of the family of God, beautiful and dangerous. We live in MA where an ice storm left many without power some for more than a week (kind of like a hurricane in your beautiful state) but as we drove through our little town it was gorgeous, breathtaking. The saying in New England is, “You don’t like the weather? Just wait a minute, it will change.” Beauty and Danger. Did you read your friend Randy Alcorn’s article about snow? (another take on the snow) As much as I have loved living in FL, I still sing “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.”
Debbie Hopkins in SC
on December 29, 2008 at 8:55 am
Cute, now that I live in SC! HOWEVER…I remember living in an unpopulated area on a hill in western NY in our early years. My husband plowed the driveway to get to work and was able to get down the hill because a snowplow had plowed for the schoolbus.Returning home, he ran into a “snow covered car” in his lane that had been deserted and COVERED by that snowplow! Dazer Debbie
SURE! Rub it in! 🙂
Ouch! I have a sore throat and you made me laugh!
my son and I just LOL!! That was so funny! Yea, for living in the south!
Well, Angie, living in snow country is like being a part of the family of God, beautiful and dangerous. We live in MA where an ice storm left many without power some for more than a week (kind of like a hurricane in your beautiful state) but as we drove through our little town it was gorgeous, breathtaking. The saying in New England is, “You don’t like the weather? Just wait a minute, it will change.”
Beauty and Danger. Did you read your friend Randy Alcorn’s article about snow? (another take on the snow)
As much as I have loved living in FL, I still sing “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.”
Today a balmy 53 degrees.
That is hilarious! I was so not expecting that!
Now that I can do without! It’s bad enough when they do that to my car while I’m driving!
Funny though. Because it wasn’t me.
That was funny! I have lived in Florida my whole life so if I really got to experience cold weather what would I do?
i am so glad that i live in the south! i am not sure i could handle the snow.
Cute, now that I live in SC! HOWEVER…I remember living in an unpopulated area on a hill in western NY in our early years. My husband plowed the driveway to get to work and was able to get down the hill because a snowplow had plowed for the schoolbus.Returning home, he ran into a “snow covered car” in his lane that had been deserted and COVERED by that snowplow! Dazer Debbie