Have you seen those new commercials for Microsoft?  First there were the nonsensical commercials with Seinfeld and Bill Gates–in a shoe store (huh?) and trying to live with a normal family.  Those were so strange/ineffective that Microsoft pulled them before the third segment even aired. 

Now they are airing these “I’m a PC” ad, featuring hip famous people who proclaim that they use PCs, not Mac.  These ads are supposed to assure us that you can be cool and use a PC . . . since the Apple ads portray the PC guy as stodgy, confused, and hopelessly behind the times.  Well, the secret’s out.  Some of those PC people are really MAC people!  And the commercial itself was . . . made on a Mac!  LOL!  
Jim Bell alerted me to this article online.  
Now–I’ll admit that I don’t feel any “cooler” since I converted a couple of years ago.  (Well, maybe a little).  The things that forced my conversion were MS Vista and Word 2007.  Vista slowed my PC to a crawl and Word 2007 messed up my machine so badly that Microsoft gave me a refund AND sent me a new package of software, which I have not and will not install.  Just not worth the hassle. 
What Apple has done is made my life simpler and more fun.  🙂  And if I happen to look cool while using my Air and my iPhone and my ipod, well, that’s a small price to pay.  🙂 
News flash:  The UPS man just brought me boxes of THE FACE, an entire month before the official release date!  Stay tuned–I’ll have to give some away! 


  1. Kathy

    I want that book!

    My husband bought me a Dell that had Vista and he ended up installing my old software isntead!

  2. Pam Meyers

    Hi Angie,
    Just before the ACFW conference I bought a MacBook and love it. I started my computing on a Mac with one of those tiny screens back in the early 90s but switched to PC’s when Mac wasn’t keeping up with the cool software available. I started saving for a Mac this summer, but when my PC laptop started failing and the only hope was completely clearing the HD and starting over, I gave in and got the MacBook early.

    It didn’t take long to sing my praises when the Mac did things in seconds that often took my PC to do. I know I won’t go back.

    A friend mentioned a while back that she didn’t like those Apple ads because they picked on Microsoft and she always feels bad for the “underdog.” Underdog? Apple only has about 5 percent of the market right now. Hardly an underdog :-).

    Go Mac!

  3. sara

    I can’t wait for the giveaway….I want that book too!!!

    I am a MAC user also. I had to switch to PC 9 years ago because of work, but am happily back to being a MAC user!! And you are right, it makes my life so much easier and more fun!

  4. Mocha with Linda

    My face is drooling over The Face!!

    My husband can often be heard muttering “I hate Microsoft” while working on various computers.

  5. Patti G.

    I want a book but alas, all computers coming down – moving van arrives tomorrow morning. 🙁 but going to you know where. 🙂 🙂

    Maybe a house Warming gift????
    🙂 :-):-)
    Patti G

  6. Kay Day

    Macs are pretty much the coolest computers ever made!

    My hubby is a computer guy. He writes software. He used to be PC only, but now he only works on them because he has to. I was the last one in the family to convert. I love my Mac!

  7. lynnrush

    I’m sooooo a Mac Girl. I actually have three Apple’s. Yeah, over the last 8 years we’ve upgraded and kept the old ones, they just won’t die. LOL

    MacBook Pro has been my favorite so far…but I’m into Itunes, Pics, and–well writing of course….. LOL

    Those commercials crack me up!

  8. Anonymous

    For the 300 million they spent on the ads, maybe they could have fixed a few thousand more bugs in Vista.

  9. Anonymous

    Microsoft is not cool (the ad campaign: lipstick on a pig, can we say so in english?), even when they try to be cool, they are not: the academic-looking guy in the first of the new Microsoft commercials has some funny ideas about quantum mechanics, see:


  10. Lisa

    Oooh! I can’t wait to read it.
    Sadly, my husband is a Mac hater. He just won’t go there (or let us go there.) We want to though:-)

  11. Accidental Poet

    I’m just happy to have a computer, she says primly. With her lips pursed.

    Really though it alarms me to think I have to have an opinion. Can’t I just heart my speedy little Dell and let the wars go on around me?

  12. Patsy

    Mac me! Go ahead Mac me again!

    I’m over the moon for my Mac -IPhone and a plethora of other Mac items. I’m an Mac-addict.

    There I said it and just saved myself a wad in therapy bills.

  13. Angela

    Going Mac does keep me from those murderous urges I used to feel whenever I encountered the Blue Screen of Death. 🙂

    Very good point about the therapy bills, Patsy!

    (Tee hee).

  14. Smilingsal

    The only time I ever used a PC was during my college courses when I was forced to use them. I have always owned MACs. My son, who argued that PCs were superior, seemed to have a great deal of difficulty with viruses. Of course, MAC are pretty much virus-free. Guess what he owns now? Right. MAC!

  15. Holly

    YAY for “The Face!” I have had you on my mind lately and have been praying for you, Angie. It has been busy here in Colorado with some fun cookbooks that I have done and have been shipping to ladies all over the US. May I send you one just ’cause you bless me? If so, just email and give me a place to send it. It is filled with recipes from bloggers on Beth Moore’s LPM blog. It is fun to read, too!



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