Today’s lovely animal:  the sun bear.  (But this is how I feel on Monday mornings.)  🙂 

Since “Then Comes Marriage” is a novella, the writing wasn’t that intensive.  Bill and I agreed upon a loose outline before we began, then I wrote my “woman” chapters.  I sent them to Bill and he wrote his “man” chapters. 

I still laugh when I remember what happened next.  One of my strengths is the picky stuff–cleaning up grammar, punctuation, etc., so I promptly applied my editorial skills to Bill’s copy . . . and received a very nice email reminding me that I should just let his participles dangle.  LOL!  
I agreed.  Let the editor do his job; mine was just to represent the picky female perspective.  So we both polished our respective chapters and sent them in.  And I had to admit that a lot of the charm of the story was the very different approach we had to the writing.  🙂 
And isn’t there a lesson in that?  How many times do we marry a man because he has strengths we lack . . . and then we try to make him over to be like us!  It never works, thank goodness. 


  1. jan

    yes, i told my daughter yesterday that i missed my calling…should have been an editor! i cringe when i see big grammar boo-boos in books, newspapers, magazines, etc! and, today’s english is just plain being mutilated! that said, i feel so much better! ha!

  2. Mocha with Linda

    That’s funny. God has taught me much these past few years about grace and letting things go instead of putting in my two cents, so to speak.

    But grammar and punctuation are the hardest things for me to ignore. It drives me nut’s (apostrophe put there on purpose – and it’s all I can do to leave it, even to make the point!!) to see bad editing.

  3. Peggy

    Has anyone read The Immortal? Wow! It wasn’t what I expected but I loved it and was completely blown away by it. It also had a great message which rarely comes with great writing. Are any of her other novels religiously based? This was the first Angela Hunt book that I’ve read.

  4. Andrea

    Glad that you’ve gotten hooked too! I haven’t read The Immortal yet. Angela will probably respond to your comment, but let me encourage you to keep reading and see for yourself – I promise you won’t be disappointed 🙂

  5. Dana

    The Immortal is one of my favorite Angela Hunt books. But I’ve enjoyed them all so keep reading!

  6. Smilingsal

    It seems so long ago that I sounded like Peggy only the title is different.

    I’m a picky person too. (alliteration!) Sometimes I swallow hard to NOT make a correction; sometimes, I blunder ahead.

  7. Angela

    Thanks for the kind comment, Peggy. My books vary in the amount of “spiritual” content because some I write for the world at large, some are written more to the Christian reader (THE DEBT, the Fairlawn series). But because I am a person of faith, there is always a faith aspect. I hope you will keep reading! Every book is different!



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