Monday I got up at 5:30 a.m. (groan) to be on my pal Randy Singer’s radio gig with Lorri Allen.  You can find a link to the program here . . . and even see and listen to other interviews with other novelists like James Scott Bell and Mark Mynheir.  So if you have a few extra minutes, check it out and have a listen. 

Me, I’ve been keeping my nose to the proverbial grindstone and cranking out scenes.  My second draft is still a mess. 
BTW, confidential to MG:  We talked about elevators on the radio.  I’m not sure we made any sense, though! 

1 Comment

  1. Mocha with Linda

    Finally had time to listen to you. LOVE IT!! Cracked up when the contest question was about elevators! (And the man thought it was an escalator! LOL Poor guy was a trucker who’d been driving all night!)

    And Randy Singer had the same reaction to Uncharted that I did: unsettling! I couldn’t quit thinking about it either!

    I appreciated hearing that even you struggle with the book proposal aspect after all this time. I know a blog friend that is in that boat as a new writer. This will encourage her!

    Thanks for the link!


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