Photo:  Marilyn Martin and the books she won in our “Spring Fling” drawing.  Isn’t she cute?  Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry.  

Today’s topic:  I’ve long been fascinated by elephants, and I couldn’t resist sharing this clip.  This elephant isn’t “free-styling,” he has been trained to paint this picture, but still . . . watch him paint it.  Amazing, isn’t it? 

That elephant paints better than I do! 



  1. Mocha with Linda

    Maybe if you held the paintbrush in you nose. . . ?! LOL

    What always amazes me about things like this, is what makes someone even think, “Gee, I wonder if I could teach an elephant to paint a picture of another elephant.”

    I’m surprised they didn’t teach him to sign it!

  2. Kay

    I have so many things to say…
    1. I cried. Here I am blubbering right before my Moms in Touch prayer meeting! God’s creatures are SO amazing. I just can’t wait to see what it will be like when all things are perfect!

    2. Which did you love first, elephants or mastiffs? Mastiffs are about the closest you can get to having an elephant in the house.

    3. She has such a steady hand. I wonder if they’ll teach her heart surgery next…

  3. Lisa

    That is amazing! My kids are going to love watching this.

  4. Angela

    LOL! I loved mastiffs first, but they DO sorta remind me of elephants. Just moving from room to room is a challenge, because they’re frequently slow. They sort of lumber from room to room and follow me . . .

    I can’t wait until the animals are restored to their place in creation. I think they’ll talk and sing and paint on the new earth. I think they do many, many things now that we can’t even imagine. Did you know that elephants “hear” through the soles of their feet? They can “hear” another approaching herd coming from miles away!



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