Hi!  I’ve attached a few photos so far of our trip–and boy, have things been interesting.  We’ve had a marvelous time seeing the sites, driving on the left side of the road, and meeting the Irish people.  Tonight, however, the gentleman sitting at the table next to us had had a little too much to drink, so he talked to us all night, asking the same questions over and over and over . . . we tried to talk seriously to him, but he wasn’t ready to hear it, if you know what I mean.  He nearly dropped his teeth when we told him we wrote Christian fiction. 

Terri and I went to church this morning–and our hearts were warmed when the priest prayed that the Spirit of God would inspire all writers and artists! 

In any case–our hearts are warm, though the weather is a bit chilly, and we love Ireland.  Enjoy the pictures! (Sorry there aren’t more, but internet is a little iffy in this hotel lobby . . .) 


  1. Mocha with Linda

    What fun! Thanks for taking the time to share. Enjoy making some special memories!!

  2. Megan DiMaria

    Oh, I hope you’re having a wonderful time. I dream of going to Ireland. Maybe someday . . .

    A prisoner of hope,

  3. Suzanne

    The picture of the sea and the cliffs is gorgeous! WOW! I’m amazed at it.

    Don’t you just love God’s creation?

  4. Anonymous

    Angie, hope you have a great time! We heard a wonderful Celtic group yesterday at our daughter’s college orchestra concert. The group is Emerald Road http://www.EmeraldRoad.net. I’m listening to them as I read your blog.


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