I am often asked where young writers can get their work published. While I’m not up on the regular magazines that feature work by young people, I have learned about a new contest for young writers in three age categories: 6-9, 10-13, and 14-19. The winners in each category will receive $15,000 for college (wow!), a trip to Kansas to visit the publishing house, and the publication of their book.
To be considered, a book must have been written and illustrated by ONE person. For detailed contest rules, visit this link.
I’m a big believer in encouraging young writers, and my first published book was a contest winner. (I wasn’t a child, though–I was in my late twenties). If I hadn’t entered that contest, I’d probably still be writing nothing but magazine articles and brochures.
So if you know of a young person who’s interested in writing, send them the above link. The contest deadline is June 1, 2008, so be sure to beat the deadline and follow the rules!