Remember that line from that silly sci-fi movie in the sixties? 1967, to be exact. 

Anyway, when I read the following in Monday morning’s paper, I thought it was a joke.  So I read it again. And again. Then I sat there, shaking my head, realizing that this little exchange says a lot about a dictator and a country that does not value human life–born, unborn, or female.
Recently released historic documents reveal that in 1973 Henry Kissinger held trade talks with China Chairman Mao Zedong.  In the spirit of detente, Mao Zedong made Kissinger an offer that is not to be believed: 
“You know,” he said, “China is a very poor country. We don’t have much. What we have in excess is women. So if you want them we can give a few of those to you, some tens of thousands . . . Do you want our Chinese women? We can give you ten million.” 
Kissinger’s diplomatic response? “We will have to study it.” 
Arrrrgh!  I think I’d have climbed over the table to throttle the man.  Good thing I’m not a diplomat.
Ten million women . . . can you imagine? 


  1. Kay

    Bring them here in the midst of the feminist revolution? That would have been interesting.
    But it would have been better for them than staying where they were considered surplus.
    How sad.
    I wonder if God just aches all the time.

  2. Mocha with Linda


    How heartbreaking to be so completely devalued and expendable.

    Yet God numbers their very hairs.

  3. Marla Taviano

    Hey, Angie. I haven’t stopped by in awhile. So much to catch up on.

    Prayed for you just now–that God would just love on you for a bit and you’d feel extra-hugged.

    A teensy bit envious that your taxes are done.

    Gabe just sent Lee (his podcast co-host) a link to your MacBook Air pics. (and I see him commenting on your blog right now from where I sit)

    You sure are loved!


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