‘Twas the month before Christmas, and all through the house . . .
Babe is fascinated by the Christmas tree. (Click the photo to enlarge. )
I’m worn out by the Christmas tree. For the first time in a long time, we got an artificial tree, and it has eaten the foyer. We’ve spent all day moving furniture to accommodate The Tree.
Tomorrow, the outside of the house. Then a hot bath, I think.
So–did you shop on “black Friday?” Did you relax? Or did you decorate?
Beautiful tree, Angie.
What does it say above your door? I want to write something somewhere in my house, but haven’t decided what yet.
We went to a bookstore today and i bought a book that a friend has a story in. That was the extent of our shopping. My hubby and I were out celebrating our anniversary, which is actually Monday, but we had a sitter last night and today (my mom).
It’s not Black Friday here – I worked (at my day job) all day.
We decorated, too! At Thanksgiving yesterday, my mom gave me an early gift – The Roger Whittaker Christmas Album on CD. This was a favorite at our house when I was growing up. It made for a wonderful soundtrack to decorating the house.
No shopping or decorating for me today! NO sale is good enough to make me shop on Black Friday! We took the kids to see Enchanted, which was delightful and I recommend it to everyone! So adorable!
the tree is beautiful (and looks real!) i just love your dog! such
a sweet picture!
hubby and I ventured out shopping this morning. we didn’t make it to the crazy early hours when everything opened (you know I think the reason the sun doesn’t rise til at LEAST 6am is because it has enough sense that that’s too darn early!!). hubby bought me my first pair of REAL cowgirl boots. I realized that as beautiful as boots are in the normal retail stores,they’re not very sturdy when it comes to everyday wearing.anyways,love your tree. hope you had a fun day.
WE really, really intended to get up at 4 am to shop before I had to go to work, but we didn’t make it. However, my wife did make it to Kohl’s at 6:30, and several hundred dollars later and battling the crowds, she made it home safely. I can’t say our checking account fared so well.
Gorgeous tree.
babe is as big as the tree!!
we went to Sea World–skipped the shoppping