In the path of a devastating hurricane, three very different women find themselves trapped in the elevator of a high-rise office building. All three conceal shattering secrets —unaware that their secrets center on the same man.
The betrayed wife, eager to confront her faithless husband, with rage in her heart and a gun in her pocket . . .
The determined mistress, finally ready to tell her lover she wants marriage and a family . . .
The fugitive cleaning woman, tormented by the darkest secret of all . . .
As the storm rages ever closer, these three must unite to fight for their lives in the greatest test
of courage — and faith —any woman could ever face.
Reviews of The Elevator:
“Prolific novelist Hunt knows how to hold a reader’s interest, and her latest yarn is no exception . . . Readers may decide to take the stairs after finishing this thriller.” —Publishers Weekly
“…a brilliantly plotted novel…the hurricane approaching the Florida coast is no match for the storm brewing inside the claustrophobic confines of a high-rise elevator. …Be prepared to lose some sleep until you reach the last page!” Liz Curtis Higgs, best-selling author of Thorn in My Heart
“Hunt traps three women in an elevator during a hurricane, dangling them, and the reader, from a tangled web of interconnected deceit, failure, crime and fear. …The Elevator…creates the perfect set-up to keep you turning pages long after the rest of the house has fallen asleep. …Loved it.” Lisa Samson, award-winning author of The Church Ladies, Songbird and Straight Up.
Tomorrow: How the idea germinated
Can’t wait to read this. I’m a big fan of your writing, have been for years.
I’m also looking forward to The Cure! My book list is getting longer and longer.