There’s news on the HPV/cancer vaccine front. And it’ll be interesting to see how it’s played out in the media.

Fact: A recent study suggests that the prevalence of a sexually transmitted virus (HPV) that can cause cervical cancer is greater than previous estimates had suggested.

Fact: The study indicated that the prevalence of the two main cancer-causing strains–the two strains prevented by the Merck vaccine–“appears to be relatively low.”

More: the prevalence of HPV was 26.8 percent among U.S. females in the 14-59 age bracket. Prevalence of the four strains of HPV that Gardasil protects against–was 3.4 percent. THREE PERCENT.

According to the Wall Street Journal (Feb. 28, 2007, p. D8), “the prevalence data doesn’t capture cases of women who were infected by HPV in the past but have since been cleared of the virus. (About 90 percent of infections clear within two years.)”

So why are bills being drafted in 20 U.S. states to make Gardasil mandatory for preteen girls? The answer is obvious. $$.



  1. Anonymous

    Angie – you are so excellent in your research, and this is a topic close to my heart and family. Is it possible for you to provide a link to the study so my daughter and I can learn as much as we can about this? Many thanks, in advance, for any assistance you can give us.

    Clyde Osterhaus Thayer

  2. Angela

    I don’t have the actual study, Clyde, but if you can get to the library, you can get more information from that Wall Street Journal article I cited. (I don’t think the WSJ has free online archives . . .)


  3. Kay

    This vaccine is such a pet peeve of mine. The ads make it seem that you can catch HPV from sneezes or something. Like its floating in the air. Very deceitful.

  4. Anonymous

    Angie – thanks for the response. I will check for the WSJ at the library today. God’s blessings, Clyde


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