I’m so excited! The mail man just delivered six ARC (advance readers’ copies) of THE ELEVATOR to my house.

And I’m willing to give half of them away. But how?

I’ve decided to do it this way: I have three people in my immediate family (hubby, son, daughter), and they have ages. (Hint: hubby is way older than me.)

I’ve decided to send copies to the commenters whose comment numbers match the ages of my family members. Yes, you may comment more than once, but you may NOT comment more than once in a row–in other words, you have to wait to leave a second or third comment until someone else has posted a comment (IOW, you can’t sit there and click “post” over and over and over.) Consecutive comments from the same person will be deleted or ignored.

NO, you may not sell the book on eBay. 🙂

I’ll announce who the winning commenters are in a follow up blog post, then you can email me your addresses.

This is assuming you’d like a free copy, of course. Months ahead of publication time. 🙂

Ready, set . . . go!



  1. Dana

    So like this is comment number 1 and if you had a 1 year old I’d win?

  2. Angela

    Right, Dana. Exactly right.


  3. Holli

    Well, I’ve read your book about middleschoolers and I’m pretty sure your husband and children aren’t 3. 🙂

  4. Dana

    Or 4 but we have to get comments posted here…


  5. Angela

    My days with preschoolers are LONG gone!


  6. holli

    Well, here’s another one.

  7. Dana

    Here’s another one too although I know we’re not close yet. The key word being YET. 😉

  8. Anonymous

    Well, here’s another post to get a little closer.

  9. Dana

    And I’ll keep posting to help us out too. I just hope I don’t shoot myself in the foot here… 🙂

  10. Svoblogger

    i feel lost in a sea of the wrong gender.
    but for the sake of helping someone win a book – i’ll comment

  11. Dana

    I see your comment. 🙂

  12. Kristine dB

    Here is my two cents worth adding to the number!

  13. holli

    Here’s another

  14. Missy

    Well I’d be silly not to get in on this. 🙂 I just got one of your books in the mail today, another one would be great fun!

  15. Dana

    and another…

  16. Dana

    each post gets us closer…

  17. Missy

    oh my I have so much laundry to work on but this is just to tempting 🙂

  18. Dana

    laundry can wait, I’d guess… March Madness is calling me but has no contest to an Angela Hunt book – especially a free one!!

  19. Missy

    What number are we on?

  20. Dana

    This post is 21, I think. I wonder when we find out we’ve gotten there…

  21. Missy

    Could be a long night! I have a breakfast date in the morning, how long past preschool age could she be 🙂

  22. Dana

    I think her kids are older but I think we’re close – it’s getting to her husband’s age that’ll take some time I think. 😉

  23. Dana

    Another one…

  24. Missy

    I’ll recruit others for help!

  25. Christina Berry

    Dana, you know you have way too much time on your hands!

  26. Dana

    Hey, I’m on a missionary budget. A free book is way too good to pass up!! 🙂

  27. Christina Berry

    So…how’s it going? Read any good, gory scenes lately? 😉

  28. Dana

    Okay, we’re approaching 30. No way they’re that old. Not that that’s old, mind you as I turn 33 here soon… I’m just saying…

  29. Missy

    I’m looking forward to reading about Jen in this next series. I was hoping for more funeral home stuff today but I’ll take free book stuff 🙂

  30. Dana

    I was scared to read that gory scene. Was it good? I skipped it and thought I may need to skip the whole series now – which I hate to do! Was it CSI-ish? Ick. 🙁

  31. Angela

    Congratulations, Dana and Missy! (Nos. 22 and 23). Those are the ages of my kids, so you two can take a rest while a third person tries for the third available book . . . 🙂

    Dana and Missy, if you will send me your address through the “contact” box on my web site, I’ll get the books in tomorrow’s mail!

    Thanks for playing!


  32. Christina Berry

    Are you saying that Angela robbed the cradle?!? I think we’ve got a few to get up to her hubbie’s age. right? 😉

    I blogged my agent’s latest note. Made my day.

  33. Angela

    Dana–the consensus was that the “gory” scene wasn’t gory at all. I think you could handle it. 🙂

    And there’s really not much gory stuff in the series. It’s more about life.


  34. Dana

    Woo-hoo!! 🙂 I’m breaking now…

    No, no. Her kids couldn’t be over 30. I mean, Angie’s not much over 30. 😉

    Keep it up Christina! Good luck winning the third book! She said her husband is way older than she is…that’s all I know…

    I’m going to go check out your blog now…

  35. Christina Berry

    I hate to leave, but I’m on dial-up and each comment takes forever. I’ve got the whole house to clean as I have a church finance committee meeting at 4 and then all the ladies from church are coming over at 7. At least I can help someone else get closer!

  36. Missy

    Yeah! I guess I’ll have to work on laundry now.
    I went to your contact link on your site and it gave me an access denied message??? Any suggestions?

  37. Dana

    I got an error on the contact page too… You can contact me at dana@jonathananddana.com if you’d like…

    I’ll go back and read that ‘gory’ scene then. I definitely want to read that series. Your blogs get me so excited about the books you have coming out!

    Okay, no more posting so someone else wins that third one. 🙂

  38. Angela

    Sorry about the “access denied” thing–I just tested it and it seems to be working now.

    And that’s okay, Dana. I can’t handle roaches. Any kind. Shudder.

    Innards don’t bother me, but bugs? Ugh.


  39. Missy

    OK…. I can’t get the contact button to work. I’m sorry 🙁
    My email is missyeagen@msn.com, I’ll try again in a bit just in case 🙂

    BTW.. I didn’t think the scene was icky, the maggot comment sent chills up my spine but that’s not in the book thankfully! 🙂

  40. Dana

    Yeah, I still can’t get it to work either… I’ll keep trying…

  41. Robin Bayne

    Dana, what can’t you get to work??

  42. Deborah

    oh i really want this book!

  43. Robin Bayne

    Is anyone doing something to celebrate St Paddy tomorrow? We are taking my grandmother to dinner to celebrate her 90th birthday!

  44. Deborah

    nothing special except having the corn beef/cabbage soup we always do every year

  45. Robin Bayne

    I love corned beef and cabbage! But I know the family will all be laughing at me tomorrow when I order that and they order steak or crabcakes.

  46. Deborah

    do it! be a rebel!

  47. Robin Bayne

    I will! You’ve convinced me! LOL

  48. Accidental Poet

    Well there’s no message saying someone’s gotten up to her husband’s age yet …

  49. Deborah

    hmm i just realized i’m the same age as angie’s kids

  50. Accidental Poet

    I’m the same age as Angie’s kids ages added together …

    What’s your favourite Angela Hunt book?

  51. Leslie

    Well I doubt I’ll win, but let me say, cool idea for a contest. 🙂

  52. Deborah

    lol we’re approaching my parent’s age in comments right now

  53. Deborah

    i can’t decide on a favorite book…i do like the keepers of the ring series very much though

  54. Leslie

    LOL! We aren’t even that close to my mom’s age, and I’m not that much older than Angie’s kids……who know’s maybe Angie’s husband really robbed the cradle?

    I’m joking. I’m joking! 🙂

  55. Deborah

    from the pictures she’s posted of him, he doesn’t look old at all!

  56. Accidental Poet

    …whistles nonchalantly …

    anybody read excerpts from The Elevator on this blog? it’s forever changed the way I look at other people on elevators …

  57. Deborah

    after the scene in Speed when the elevator drops and the lady nearly falls out, i’m not a big fan of them

  58. Angela

    Y’all have passed his age, but I keep having to recount . . . back in a flash . . .


  59. Deborah

    lol i was going to say, i don’t think he’s THAT old

  60. Robin Bayne

    I was wondering about that, too, Deborah. LOL

  61. Angela

    Whew! I get confused when I try to scroll and count that high, so I printed out the comments so I could actually number them–

    My dh is 57, and the 57th commenter was “Accidental Poet!” So Susan, I’ll get the book to you!

    Thanks for playing, everyone!


  62. Deborah

    ahhh so close!!! oh well i’ll definitely be getting this book when it comes out

  63. Catherine

    What a day to not read “A Life in Pages” until now at 22: 55 hours.
    I will just have to buy it when it comes out! However, I am so grateful Angie that you are so real and down to earth. It just makes me want to read more of your books.

  64. amanda

    Well, I’m comment #69…I guess I should have checked here first thing…instead of 12:01 on Saturday! *sigh* Unless you meant your hubby is waaaaaay older than you!

  65. Heidi jo

    You’ve got some Grace sisters who have connected with you even more thanks to our dear friend in common, Doni Brinkman. She is a proud supporter of writing and has helped many of us to become greater fans. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your heart on paper and encouraging others around you with your work.
    Heidi Jo

  66. Heidi Jo

    (I know this 2nd post doesn’t count… but as the #’s are past the 60s… perhaps you were including the ages of other relatives too?) 😉
    Heidi Jo

  67. Suzanne

    Rats! I really am dying to see my teabags from the “purse contents” contribution in print!

  68. K-Mac

    Wow. That’s a good way to get comments 🙂


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