Good morning! Comin’ at you live from beautiful Glen Eyrie, in the gorgeous mountains of Colorado! We’ve seen long horned sheep, wild turkeys, and all kinds of interesting wildlife–and . . . it’s COLD here! Not bitterly, and we’re not out in it much, but cold enough for this Florida girl to be glad she brought her gloves!

Photo: Al Gansky, the birthday boy. Nancy Rue, Kathy Mackel, and Al and Becky Gansky are staying in the “Pink House”–an older mansion that the Navigators uses as housing. It’s lovely. Al and Becky are staying in the bedroom that Bill Graham favors. 🙂 We keep teasing Al about having to roll out of the Billy Graham bed every morning.

BTW–today is the Rev. Al’s 57th birthday! You can drop him a happy birthday message at (LOL–correction! 8:40 a.m. and Al has just informed me that it’s his fifty-FOURTH birthday. I’ve aged him three additional years in a day.)

And thanks SO much for “shouting out!” on the blog! (You, too, Mom! Was that your first comment ever?) It’s nice to know I’m not pontificating to an empty cyber abyss. 🙂

We’re having a grand old time up here in the mountains. Have a group of about 50 folks who are watching us do improvisation, and teach, and just generally talk about what we love–writing and reaching people.

And (confidential to BJ)–I actually got to watch the last half of 24 last night. What in the world is LOGAN doing back? Ack! It took me five minutes to recognize that grizzled old guy! (And where’s Martha? Do you think he done her in, as they said in My Fair Lady?)

Well, enough rambling. I’m going to see if there’s any hot water in the tank.

Thanks again for shouting out!



  1. Anonymous

    Isn’t the Glen the most amazing place? When I first started in publishing, my first job was in 89 at NavPress. I spent my first Colorado Thanksgivng at the pink house having dinner with friends. It is a great memory . . . I still go through Colorado withdrawl! I wish I were there. Jeane

  2. Alton Gansky

    57! Fifty-four, Angie! Fifty-four! That’s it. The gray beard is going.
    Al “I’m not as hold as I look” Gansky.

  3. Deborah Raney

    If it helps any, Al, I was shocked…SHOCKED…to learn you were 57! ; ) Hope you have a wonderful 54th birthday. What a great place to spend it! I love Glen Eyrie!

    And Angie, I’m a day late, but count me as another lurker of your fabulous blog.

  4. lhether

    Thank you so much for your stories, you have quickly become my favorite author! I am a resident of Colorado Springs and have had the opportunity to spend a weekend at Glen Eyrie for a scrapbooking event. I felt like I was in a place just the opposite from the island in “Uncharted”, which I finished this morning. An amazing story which I plan on sharing with my family and friends. While here in the Springs are you making any other appearances besides the conference? It would be an honor and a privilege to meet you. Send a “Happy Birthday” to Al Gansky and enjoy your stay in our fair city. (By the way — you got lucky and are here during a warm spell this winter!]
    May the Lord bless you and keep you!

  5. amanda

    I just had to comment on 24 & ohmygosh, LOGAN! Is he really quoting Psalm 40 or is just freakier than ever? Martha better come back…I would vote for her if she’d run in 2008!

  6. Pam Meyers

    I’ve always wanted to see Glen Eyrie but have never made it there. It sounds wonderful. The Navs have a special place in my heart. Their ministry led me to the Lord.

  7. Aunt Irene

    Thanks for inviting me to share your blog. I read it every day and learn so much. I hope you have a great time in Colorado and stay warm. Love you.

  8. Anonymous

    Thank you for your blog. I’ve been reading an Alton Gansky book in which he uses the character’s “favorite author’s birthday” as a password. I have googled everything I could to find out if it was his birthday or some other author’s. Curiosity killed the cat and it nearly drove me crazy. Thanks to your “shout out,” the mystery is solved.

    I’m also looking forward to reading your books. I’m an avid Christian fiction reader and somehow have missed yours. I’ll be getting one on my next trip to the bookstore–you can thank Rev. Al for that!

    MK in Tennessee


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