Have you ever had one of those weeks when you seem to get nothing done? I’ve just come through one. It was accompanied by a migraine that lasted for six days, and I suppose I did get some things done–read a couple of nf research books on funeral services, tried–and ditched–a new internet security program, had a four-hour lunch with dear friends from out of town, and managed to keep up with the blog. Even managed to revise a few pages of a ten-year-old book in dreadful need of tightening now that I’m older and wiser.

And I had several of those stare-into-space moments where you just think . . . and I suppose we all need more of these.
I started thinking about funerals and about how everyone (well, most people) wants to be loved. At our funerals, we all want a packed house and lots of mourners who will stand up and proclaimed how universally well-loved we were.

Well . . . what do you have to do to be well-loved? You have to love well. And deeply. And often. Selflessly. And there’s a story in that.
And then I was looking through some clippings, and chased a story idea down a trail. It petered out, but for a moment there I felt that frisson of excitement that always comes when I contemplate creating a new story, a new world–I could make it happen! I hope that feeling never goes away. Reminds me of that delicious shiver I used to get after a great book or movie ended. I’d hug myself and wish the story world could continue forever . . . been a long time since I felt like that with the current crop of films.
Last week I was offered a chance to ghostwrite a novel. I declined, and I can’t tell you how wrong, wrong, wrong this practice is. If people want to write novels, let them go through the time and trouble it takes to learn how to be a good novelist. Let this person sink or swim on his/her own merits. Why pay someone else to participate in the charade? I hope everyone turns the offer down. I really wish the practice would just DIE and go away.

And that’s about it for today. I’m mused out. What have you been musing on lately?



  1. Linda G

    This is the first time this week I’ve had time to read your blog. My mom went home to heaven Monday and yesterday (Friday) we had a very private graveside service and then a celebration of her life at the church. I was praying that we would honor both the Lord and Mom and I feel that we did both. I would be happy to send you one of the programs from the service if that would help with your research. Not only did we have a bio of Mom’s life we also included the clippings from her frig!
    Linda Gordon

  2. Accidental Poet

    here’s what I”m musing about: If I think I’m called to write, why don’t I do it?


    How can I make West Bow publish Kathryn Mackels 3rd birthright book?


    Will I ever get on an elevator again without scanning the people around me to see if they have food just in case we get stuck, after that discussion on Angela Hunt’s blog about what’s in your purse?


    Nothing dies harder than a bad idea.

    (that last one is annoyingly cryptic and yet I somehow feel like I’ve gotten something off my chest)

  3. Angela

    Linda, I’m so sorry for the loss of your mother . . . but I know she’s among the great cloud of witnesses cheering you on now. Makes you homesick for heaven, doesn’t it?

    And A. Poet–LOL! I always scan the roof of an elevator now when I get aboard . . . looking for the escape hatch (which would do me no good, actually, because they only open from the outside. But still . . .)



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