I don’t know why I can’t resist these quizes, but I can’t.
And the first two people to report back with their “scary score” will get a hot-off-the-press copy of THE NATIVITY STORY! Just leave your name in the comments with your email addy so I can get your address.
I’m not scary? And shoot, I checked the “big, barking dog” answer . . .
You Are Not Scary |
Everyone loves you. Isn’t that sweet? |
Angie, Well this is no surprise. My “score” says: “You’re not scary, you’re scared!” Like I needed them to tell me that! The “wuss factor” has always run strong in my blood! :0) Oh well, thanks for the fun!
So, do I win a book??? Huh?? Do I??? I sure hope so. I may not be scary, but I’m definitely a fan!
i am so scary i scare other scary people sometimes. huh- who would have thought?
gosh, i hope i win a book. i read all of yours!
p.s. don’t be scared
Congratulations, Lynda and Kindra! Your books are on the way to you!
Everyone else–how scary are you?
awww man i was too late. anywho i am “You Are a Little Scary, You’ve got a nice edge to you. Use it.”
Mine too said “you’re not scary, you’re scared”
Oh well….
Why do I always get in on the freebies a little too late?
Mine was the same as yours, Angie — “Everybody loves you, isn’t that sweet?”
Love your books, BTW – have read most of them – they’re all so great that I can’t choose a favorite!
in Christ — kimB
I’m not scary either. Guess that’s a good thing?
Hahahahahaha Mine said I’m Creepy! Geeze….sounds like what my kids say too!