Uncharted begins and ends with a young girl finding a message from her mother in a bottle. My pal Kathy Mackel (a great writer!), sent me this link to a real-life story that is eerily reminiscent of Uncharted. It seems a mother who recently lost her Marine son found a message he wrote as a ten year old . . . yes, he put it in a bottle and threw it in a lake.

You can read the entire story here:



  1. Julie Dearyan

    Wow, what an amazing thing. And to have it surface just months after he died.

    I also wanted to let you know that I have started reading Jodi Piccuilt from your recommendation during your class at Write His Answer in Colorado. Harvesting the Heart was quite freaky and cool.

    Also wanted to comment on the first lines posts. Very fun. We struggle over our first lines as writers and hope they draw people in. All of those first lines did that to me for sure. Good luck on all of your writing.

  2. Kristine db

    Very cool. Uncharted is the first book of the week for the new Thomas Nelson book club emails, and it’s just whetting my appetite for the whole book! I’ll have to order it when I go in to work on Friday if it’s not in stock yet.

  3. Bonnie H.

    I just finished reading Uncharted last nigh. Wow. It was very powerful. My oldest daughter is coming to visit in a couple of weeks and I’m going tohave her read it while she’s here. I think she needs to.
    What an intense reading experience. Everyone needs to read this book.

  4. Doni Brinkman

    Just finished Uncharted, and as always…LOVED it! Once I realized where you were headed though I was dreading the ending. I found myself pleading for mercy for the characters. As a Christian, understanding full well the consequence, peering into a world without hope…without grace – it was excruciating. Part of me was hoping that you would have the entire thing be a dream at the end (as in Alcorn’s Edge of Eternity or Hancock’s Arena) but I have to admit – the only way to deliver the blow is by the truth. I finished the book on my 28th spiritual birthday – I accepted Christ on June 29th 1978 – quite appropriate to finish this book today because it reminded me in a very up close and personal way what I am celebrating!


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