I’ll confess that I’m one of those pathetically-organized people. My kitchen spices are alphabetized, and when I get dressed every morning, I take garments from the left of my closet and replace them (after laundering!) on the right. I may be the only woman I know who rotates her jeans. {VBG}

So I have come up with a Grand Plan for this haphazard blog. Instead of bouncing from topic to topic every day of the month, I’m only going to bounce 21 days. The first seven days of each month will be reserved for the Book of the Month.

It will work like this: each month I’ll take one of my books and spend seven days talking about these seven things:

1. The synopsis

2. How the idea germinated

3. The Research–what was required and how it was done

4. The writing: the process, the timeline, the pain and the pleasure

5. The editing: (see above)

6. The results: reader reaction, etc.

7. Q&A: if you have questions about any of the above, I’ll answer them on this day. If there are no questions, we’ll all take a sabbath.

That’s it. I hope this will interest readers as well as writers. If I have a new release, I’ll feature that book in its release month; otherwise I’ll hit the backlist. Right now I have enough backlist to blog for nine long years . . .

Let’s give it a try and see how it goes!



  1. Betsy

    That sounds great. What about the rest of the month?:)

  2. Betsy

    Okay so you anticipated my question. What about days 29-31

  3. Amy A.

    Great idea! I’m already learning quite a bit from your site and this is a bonus for me. I like your bouncing, too. Thanks for a nice place to visit everyday.

  4. Angela

    LOL! Have I ever mentioned that “numbers” are not my first language?

    For the rest of the month it’ll be pot luck. Whatever. 🙂


  5. Ruth

    I love the plan!! Can’t wait to read the book blogs…especially if you hit the backlist…good memories (Theyn Chronicles, Legacies of the Ancient River, etc., etc., and etc.).

  6. Betsy

    I agree there are so many stories. I am curious to know how they came about. Anne Rice’s Christ the Lord out of Egypt. Mira the mainstream imprint of Harlequin enterprises is releasing Two Women of Gailee. My question is do you think mainstream ABA is accepting stories on Christ instead of relegating it to a special section in the bookstore?

  7. Kristine

    Hi Angie – I was just reading your spring newsletter that got sent out, and wondering if you ship to Canada? If so, do you know what any extra costs would be included in that? And is the free “Truth Teller” book with purchase of “The Novelist” for us Canadians as well? Sorry for the 20 questions!
    Thanks a ton, Kristine

  8. Angela

    To answer Kristine’s question:

    I’m sorry, but I’m not able to process Canadian or other international orders. It’s not so much the extra postage, but the customs forms that require so much hoop-jumping . . .



  9. Carrie

    Love the idea! Can’t wait til you get to “The Canopy” and “The Immortal” – two of my favorites.

  10. Leslie

    I think its a great idea too!

    Look forward to reading them

  11. Becky

    Great idea! I’m new to your books and loved The Debt so much! I’m anxious to read your other books too.


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