I am so enjoying the psalms! And part of that enjoyment is reading along and finding passages that are obviously messianic or were repeated from Jesus’ own lips!
If you’re interested in specific psalms that pertain to Jesus Christ, the following have been identified as messianic psalms and/or passages: Psa. 2:1–12; Psa. 16:7–11; Psa. 67:1–7; Psa. 68:28–35; Psa. 69:1–36; Psa. 72:1–19; Psa. 93:1–5; Psa. 96:1–13; Psa. 97:1–12; Psa. 98:1–9; Psa. 99:1–9; Psa. 110:1–7; Psa. 118:19–29[1]
Passages from the Psalms reveal many things about the coming Messiah, including his
Creative power (102:25–27; John 1:3, 10; Heb. 1:10–12)
Obedience to the Father (40:6–8; Heb. 10:5–7)
Zeal for the Father (69:9; John 2:17)
Faithfulness as a shepherd (23; John 10)
Rejection by Israel (118:22–23; Matt. 21:42)
Praise by little children (8:2; Matt. 21:16)
Betrayal by a friend:
the treachery of Judas (41:9; 55:12–14; Matt. 26:47–50; John 13:18)
the tragedy of Judas (69:25; 109:6–8; Acts 1:18–20)
Slander by false witnesses (27:12; 109:2–3; Matt. 26:59–61)
Suffering and death:
forsaken by God (22:6–8; Matt. 27:39–43)
ridiculed (22:6–8; Matt. 27:39–43)
beaten (129:3; John 19:1)
prayed for his enemies (109:4; Luke 23:34)
hands and feet pierced (22:16; Luke 24:39–40)
given sour wine to drink (69:21; Matt. 27:34, 48)
garments gambled for (22:18; Matt. 27:35)
none of his bones broken (34:20; John 19:36)
Resurrection (16:8–11; Matt. 28:1–6; Acts 2:25–32; 13:35)
Ascension (68:18; Luke 24:50–51; Eph. 4:8)
Victorious entrance into heaven (24:7–10; Rev. 7:9–12)
High Priestly work (110:1, 4; Matt. 22:44; Heb. 5:6; 7:17)
Marriage to the church:
description of the bridegroom (45:2, 6–8; Luke 4:22; Heb. 1:8–9)
description of the bride (45:9, 13–15; Rev. 19:7–9)
Destruction of the heathen (2:1–9; Acts 4:25–26; Rev. 6:12–17)
Millennial reign (45:6; 72:17; 98:4–9; Heb. 1:8; Rev. 11:15)[2]
[1]Swanson, J., & Nave, O. 1994. New Nave’s. Logos Research Systems: Oak Harbor
[2]Willmington, H. L. 1997. Willmington’s Bible handbook . Tyndale House Publishers: Wheaton, Ill.
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