For those of you who are still hanging in there with the 90 Day Bible Reading challenge, here are the readings for this coming week:
Bible Reading Schedule:
Sun: 1 Sam. 28:20-2 Sam. 12:10
Mon: 2 Sam 12:11-2 Sam. 22:18
Tues: 2 Am. 22:19-1 Kings 7:37
Wed: 1 Kings 7:38-1 Kings 16:20
Thurs: 1 Kings 16:21-2 Kings 4:37
Fri: 2 Kings 4:38–2 Kings 15:26
Sat: 2 Kings 15:27-2 Kings 25:30
And here’s a hint: If you miss a day or two, don’t force yourself to read those missed days. Just highlight them for later and stay on schedule. I’m finding that folks who try to make up AND keep up don’t do either.
Lots of good stories last week: David and Saul and the witch of Endor and Jonathan and Methoboshith (sp?). BTW, if the witch of Endor interests you, be sure to check out Liz Higgs’ Bad Girls of the Bible. Fascinating!
Just to be different – I’m making up AND keeping up. I keep catching up and reading ahead and then getting behind …it’s all very interesting, though. Last night I read ahead because I didn’t want to stop reading about David. Also, I remembered that one of David’s wives scorned him and I didn’t want it to be Abigail 🙂
Good for you, keeping up! I’m heading out on a trip today, but taking my Bible with me for some airplane reading time. Maybe I can even get a couple of days ahead!