I’ve been privileged and honored the last couple of days to be with a group of Christian librarians who have banded together for mutual support, encouragement, and help. Meeting in Nashville, the group formed the NCLA (National Christian Librarians’ Association), under the sponsorship of the Thomas Nelson School Enrichment Program. Lindsey Truex served as originator, Sonny Crews as coach, and I was happy to sit on the sidelines and help occasionally as midwife.

The real cheers, though, belong to the thirty-something ladies who met and pooled their energy and resources to help each other. They have a lot in common with writers–they often work in their own rooms, without the time or ability to communicate with others who are doing the same thing. So, thanks to technology and the miracle of the Internet, we’ve helped put them in touch with one another. Now I can’t wait to see what they do and how they grow.

It’s always fun to be with people who love books. If any of those ladies are reading this, my prayers and thoughts go with you on this journey!


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