Hunt Haven Press

Hunt Haven Press

Hunt Haven Press publishes wholesome, charming books for you and your family to enjoy time and time again.  We offer titles in fiction and nonfiction, for children and adults.

We are constantly adding to our list, but here are a few of our titles:

Too Many Tutus!  A little girl decides that having too much of something wonderful is not always a good thing.

Nat the Brat.  A little girl dreads the visit of her bratty cousin.

Calico Bear.  A charming generational bedtime story to remind us that God’s love is always near.

If I Had Long, Long Hair. Angela’s first published book; a fun romp of imagination and fun.

Peter McPossum’s Wiggles and Giggles.  A sweet tale about a boy and his parents–and why it’s important to sometimes sit still . . . or is it?

Pretzels by the Dozen. A picture book containing the true history of pretzels.

Bathtime for Brandon. A loving family tries to convince a reluctant toddler that it’s time to take a bath.

The True Princess.  A picture book that describes what it really means to be a daughter of the King.

The Cassie Perkins Series. A young girl grows up in this series of nine books for readers age 11-16.

Beauty from the Inside Out. A book brimming with beauty tips for teens and young women.

Just Like Ice Cream, by Lissa Halls Johnson. A tale of a young girl and the boy who promised he’d love her forever. 

Doesn’t She Look Natural? The first in a trilogy about a woman who inherits a funeral home.

She Always Wore Red.  The second in the Fairlawn Funeral Home series.

Afton of Margate Castle. Adult fiction. The first of a trilogy set in medieval times.

The Troubadour’s Quest. The second of the medieval trilogy.

Ingram of the Irish. The third of the medieval trilogy.

Ingram of the Irish. The third of the medieval trilogy.

Roanoke.  The first in a trilogy of early colonial America.

Jamestown. The second in the colonial American series.

Hartford. The third in the early American series.

Rehoboth. The fourth in the early American series.

Charles Towne. The fifth and final book in the early American series.

Then Comes Marriage, by Angela Hunt and Bill Myers. A tale of a newlyweds’ first year of marriage.

Passing Strangers. Three train travels create a sort of surrogate family on a journey through the southern United States.

My Life as a Middle School Mom.  Nonfiction about the ages and stages of middle school students.

Snapping Shelter Dogs. Nonfiction. How to use your camera to help save the lives of shelter animals.

Got God? Elementary theology for those who want to know more about God.

Writing Lessons from the Front: a series of writing lessons delivered a la carte on the topics most beginning writers need to master.

Stories of Passing Strangers: a compilation of short stories from people whose lives have been touched by a passing stranger.