A handful of items to share with you today:
First, the kindle edition of Magdalene is free today and for the next four days. You can download a copy here.
Second, have you signed up for our quarterly newsletter? We promise not to flood your inbox, but every month we’ll send news and tidbits and stories we hope you’ll enjoy. To sign up, just fill in the sign up box on every page of this website. 🙂
Third, I’m happy to announce that AFTON OF MARGATE CASTLE is now back in print! It may take a day or two to show up on Amazon.com, but it will soon be appearing at Amazon and on other book retail sites across the web. This will be the Amazon link to order.
Finally, all week we’re running that giveaway of a Long Hair book plus a child’s wig for lots of make believe fun with your little girl. You can enter here.
My book club met last night to discuss BELONG TO ME, by Marisa de los Santos. We always have differing opinions about each book we read, but the discussions are interesting, illuminating, and sometimes hilarious. I wish all of you could sit in on a session–these ladies are hilarious and bright. I just love them.
If you have at least one free night each week, you ought to ask around to see if there’s a book club in your neighborhood. You might just love it, too!
Hope you’re having a great day. I’ve done a lot of little business projects this summer, but am looking forward to delving into a new novel soon–as soon as I get my desk cleared off. 🙂
Blessings to you!
Angie, did you like Belong to Me? I loved the author’s first book, Loved Walked In, and enjoyed Belong to Me. Her third book, Falling Together, took me a while to get in to, but it was a winner, too. However, Love Walked In is still my favorite of the three. Its a book I recommend often.
I liked the second book, but my book club didn’t like it as well as I did–well, except for one lady, who LOVED it. I haven’t read the third one, but will try to find a place for it in my gigantic TBR stack. 🙂