If it’s the tenth, I’m in Panama City, preparing to speak at a luncheon. 🙂 I may be without internet service, so I’ve pre-written a few blog posts to carry me over until I get home.
A friend sent me this video, and it’s so sweet it made me cry. Aren’t you glad God made mothers in all shapes and sizes and species?
Wow. That’s neat.
But I can just see some PETA people clamoring for women to nurse animals next!
All my pets have been “cast-offs” of sorts (usually from people standing out in front of Wal-mart with a sign). I’m a sucker for homeless animals! When I brought home a tiny kitten, I was a little concerned that my mixed breed, extremely-hyperactive dog would hurt her. I should not have worried. He babied that kitty as if it were his very own child. They became fast friends and lived in complete harmony.
What a touching video, Angela. Thanks for sharing it!
Scientists most likely will never understand it. Love & grace in the same sentence surely comes only from God. After all, He did create them.