Yesterday’s news bulletin: The Author John Updike Has Died at 76John Updike, the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist, has died at
76, according to his publisher.
A friend of mine sent this link to an Easter poem John Updike wrote. I was amazed at its beauty and theological truth. Read it yourself here.
Wow. Macho-faith! Love seeing men describe truth with muscle! God bless John’s family at this time.
Wow. He lays it out there. Incredible poem.
Hmmmm – quite a poem, and rather overwhelming for this old lady! I’m so sorry about your sojourn in the hospital and the related side bars. How hard it is to try to recuperate with so much drama around you. Sending prayers to all! We are looking forward to TV on Saturday night. In the San Antonio TV Guide the movies are listed as “The Note” at 6:00 pm and “The Note II: Taking a Chance on Love” at 8:00 pm. Pls take care of yourself, Angie. Hugs, Clyde
John Updike’s passing is sad, but he left a ton of awesome work. “Immortality is nontransferrable” he said appropriately.