Yes, it’s a real toy.  Read through some of the customer reviews for a chuckle . . . or not.  

Soon they’ll be making preschool toys where the little characters have duct tape, rolls of plastic sheeting, and gas masks in case of terrorist attack. 
Sheesh.  What a world. 
I spent yesterday at LeTourneau University–spoke at lunch to a group of education students and teachers, then did a Q&A with some folks.  Then had a real treat–Dr. Kathy Stephens took me to a local Chick-fil-A (did I spell that right?) where we held an in-store book-signing and I signed books with the COW!  🙂  It was a lot of fun, and we took pictures.  I’ll have to post some as soon as I get copies.  Met some really wonderful folks, including Leslie, one of our blog friends!  
Clyde, I stepped outside and waved to you.  Did you see me?  🙂  
Am flying home today (Saturday) and looking forward . . . to doing the laundry.  
P.S.  Don’t forget the showing tonight of “The Note” and “The Note 2” on the Hallmark channel.  Hope you can catch it!  


  1. Mocha with Linda

    Saccr than the toy is thinking of all the kids being raised by the bitter &vitriolic folks writing those reviews!!

  2. Smilingsal

    lol I read some of the reviews, but not all 48 of them. You’re right, and I am laughing!

    I will be watching tonight. 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    Ah – that bright flash of light on the horizon was you! Of Course! =) My daughter and I are looking forward to our Note Marathon tonight. Elaborate plans are in the making. Clyde

  4. Angela

    Sounds like fun–a “Note” superbowl tonight! Hint: the one thing you’ll need is a box of tissues. 🙂



  5. Heather

    I’m so glad I got to meet you yesterday! Thanks for coming down here!

  6. Linda g

    I wish we had cable 🙁
    I guess I will have to get the DVD’s. We are not ready for the Feburary 17 change over. We bought the converter box and a new antenna, but it didn’t help. Maybe after DH gets a job we’ll get the cheapest cable package.
    Right now we are watching a lot of DVD’s from the library. I’m watching Season four of “Emergency” trying to find the episode that my mother-in law’s house was used.

  7. Paige

    That toy is…amazing?

    Btw, it’s LeTourneau. (Sorry! I’m a LU graduate!)

    I’m also Belinda Hartung’s niece (Kathy’s friend who joined you guys for dinner Friday night). When she told me, I was a little jealous, since I’ve been reading your books since I was, oh, 10 years old? 😛

    Glad you got to visit with Kathy and Co.! They’re amazing people. 🙂

  8. Holly

    Aw, I wish I had known! My niece, Lydia, goes to LaTourneau.

    You look good, Angie! How are you feeling?

  9. Angela

    Feeling pretty good, if a little tired. And since I got home, I’ve been sneezing nonstop. My nose has to get used to my dogs again. 🙂



  10. jan

    those reviews are hysterically funny!

  11. Leslie

    It was so cool to see you in Longview! I had to giggle at the Chick-fil-A employee (manager?) who was grilling you with questions. I really hope he checks out The Immortal! 🙂


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