When it originally released, DREAMERS was a finalist in RWA’s Rita awards. That was a treat, especially since I shared that honor with Lisa Tawn Bergren and Francine Rivers.
My favorite thing to hear about this book is that people are often forced to think of Joseph in a new way–or see him as human, instead of an illustration of a godly character quality. 🙂 Yes, Joseph was a godly example, but he was also a man with flaws–pride being chief among them.
I also love hearing that the book sent people scrambling for their Bibles to figure out how much was true and how much fiction. Of course I “filled in the story,” especially with the secondary characters, but I took great pains not to contradict anything in Scripture. I believe not only in honoring the Word of God, but in remaining true to historical sources.
No one has ever asked me about turning this book into a movie, but I think it’d make a great one. Who could you see playing Joseph? Tuya? Sagira?
Hmmm. Stranger things have happened . . .
Tomorrow: your questions and my answers. Please feel free to leave your question in the comments and I’ll answer tomorrow!
P.S. And if you haven’t yet entered the bookbag giveaway contest, read the details at 12/2/08!
It would indeed be a great movie. I don’t watch a lot of movies, so I’m hard-pressed to think of who to cast. But I think Angelina Jolie would be a striking Tuya.
I just finished rereading The Justice and The Debt. Have those already been BOMs?
i agree with what you said…reading this series shows the human side of joseph, thus making the story real, and not just another bible story we read about in sunday school!