Despite what I wrote in The Elevator, we’re pretty ho-hum about hurricanes around here.  That doesn’t mean we don’t respect them–we do.  But all of them seem to skirt the tiny little peninsula where my family and 924,000 other people live.  (We’re the most densely populated county in Florida.)  

Still, when a hurricane approaches from the south, we prick up our ears.  Tropical storm Fay is headed our way, but we’re not doing anything until tomorrow morning.  Then we’ll get up, check the maps, and either go about our business or start battening down the hatches.  My family won’t evacuate–first, we’re not in an evac zone; second, our house has hurricane shutters; and third, I’m not leaving my dogs.  
The map you see here is the latest on the storm, and it’s supposed to come ashore south of us.  We’ll see.  
Now–I’ve never really thought it made much sense to pray for a hurricane not to strike me–after all, if it doesn’t strike me, it’ll strike someone else, and how selfish is that?  So I’m praying that the storm gentles as it comes ashore, and that people get smart and do what they’re supposed to do to prepare.  
And now, back to our regularly scheduled blogging . . . 


  1. Anonymous

    After living 15 years down there and experiencing only the side effect of numerous hurricanes, we moved here to Virginia. Less than 5 months later, Isobelle came roaring through. No house damage but took out 10 trees behind the house and we were without power for 7 days.

    As you know we’re doing all we can to move back down there. A very dear friend there (who passed away this past weekend at age 90)used to tell me about the old tale of Indians burying something to ward off the hurricanes. We used to joke that it looks like it’s working. So hurricanes or not, that’s where we want to be. Patti G.

  2. Lisa

    We have tornadoes here in the midwest, and are pretty much the same about them. The last one that came through, we sat on the porch watching the light show, and then went to bed. We never heard the sirens, and woke up to find the next town over was pretty wrecked. I hope all stays well for you all in Florida.

  3. Smilingsal

    I’m waving good-bye to Fay as I write this; she was a nice guest. She helped by leaving water on our lawns and in Lake Okeechobee. I trust she’ll be nice to you.

    I’ve yet to find those hatches that we’re supposed to batten down!

  4. Angela

    So far (it’s 2 p.m. on Tuesday) we haven’t had even a drop of water. We could have used it!



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