I’ve gone through some pretty rough stuff lately, especially in the last couple of years. It’s not the sort of thing I would talk about on my blog, but a lot of it is in my books, if you read between the lines. The lessons I’ve been learning are right out there for the world to see. 🙂
Anyway, yesterday I watched a video by Carol Kent. I had heard her story before, but I had never heard her talk about it. But when I watched her spread her hands and say, “Lord, I can’t handle this,” I knew exactly how she felt. Maybe you do, too, and if you are going through testing times, maybe this will encourage you.
Carol’s book is called When I Lay My Isaac Down.
I heard her on Life Today and at Women of Faith. I would like to read this, too. Along with a thousand other books!
She has another one called A New Kind of Normal, I think.
Hm? A New Kind of Normal…I think I need to read that. Angie, I too have been going through some stuff, and it’s not stuff I could write about on my blog. And I’m not an author of awesome books, so there is no between the lines. Any suggestions on an outlet? Know any good Christian e-counselors?
I had the pleasure of interviewing Carol a few years ago, and it really blessed me. A remarkable woman with a much-needed message!
Lisa, I don’t know of e-counselors, but I have been finding comfort in two things–three things. First, journaling. Somehow the act of writing it all out (especially in the form of a prayer) helps purge the soul. Second, I have friends who are not going through my exact trials (we seem to have tailor-made trials, don’t we?), but through similar situations. We share with each other, exchange ideas, and I think each of us thinks, “Thank heaven I’m not dealing with what she’s dealing with.” And third, reading Scripture, particularly the psalms. David went through about every heartache known to man, and he wasn’t shy about crying out to the Lord. Reading along with him is very illuminating. 🙂
Angela, I agree. Journaling is my best outlet. I journal my prayer time and it is wonderful. I started because it kept me focused (when you are writing you tend not to wander) but found that it created a very sweet time with Jesus!
We had the blessing of having Carol speak at our church some years ago and she gave her full testimony and say the song When I Lay My issac Down – POWERFUL – sorry you are going through a season – thankful though that you have and are being ministered too.
Be brave!
Angie, thanks for this link. I read Carol’s book in 2005, not long after it was published. I was going through a difficult time in my life, and her book helped me so much. It helped me lay down that which I’d been holding onto and to accept God’s will. A year later, I got to hear Carol speak at Women of Faith in Portland, and I was blessed all over again. I have recommended this book to countless women, and I will do so for years to come.
On the general idea of a new kind of normal, Heaven Is Real by Don Piper and Cec Murphy discusses the “new normal”–we can’t go back to what we had, but we still have choices. We can camp on resentment and fear, or step into the new normal and let God help us. This has been helpful to me.
But, boy!, life can be hard!
Wow, what a testimony. Thanks for sharing that link. We writers are dreamers, and we dream big for those we love. It’s hard when reality is different…
Wow. I didn’t get a chance to listen to this yesterday, but I’m glad I came back to it today. So many testimonies are of deliverance from a trial. What a powerful testimony of deliverance & sustaining in a trial. I’ll have to read that book.