Several months ago I pointed you to Nate’s blog–he’s married to Tricia, who has cystic fibrosis, and she was waiting for a lung transplant when they discovered she was pregnant. So Tricia had her baby–at great personal risk–and now the family is growing stronger.  Nate writes a wonderful blog, and this entry is particularly funny (HT to Michael for the link!).  Plus, it’s about elevators.  🙂 

Please continue to check in with this family and lift them in your prayers.  I am so looking forward to the day when Nate gets to bring his girls home! 


  1. Mocha with Linda

    Thanks for updating us. I kept up with the blog for a bit and then lost track.

    (Pretty funny about the elevators and not getting sick!)

  2. Anonymous

    What a way to start the week with this story about such wonderful people. May God bless them and their new little girl. Extraordinary people!!! Clyde


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