I got the sweetest letter the other day. 


A couple of weeks ago I sent a bookplate to a friend whose co-worker’s little girl has my book, “The True Princess.”  (Follow that?)
Anyway, no big deal to sign a sticker for her, so I did:  “To Megan, a true princess, Love, Angela Hunt.” 
So her daddy sends me a lovely thank you note and says: 
“She’s always enjoyed the book, but she loves it even more now. Lately we’ve been reading it every night at bedtime–her request–and we can’t just start at the title page anymore.  Instead she tells me, ‘Start with the sticker, Daddy.'” 
Awwww!  Doesn’t that just make your heart MELT?  


  1. Marla Taviano

    Melt my mama-of-three-little-girls’ heart!

  2. Kathy


  3. Kathy

    Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us.


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