It’s that time again–time for book of the month! And this month’s release is DOESN’T SHE LOOK NATURAL!

How do you live when God asks you to bury a dream?

Jennifer Graham, the no-nonsense chief of staff for a Virginia senator, quits her job after her divorce—and finds herself an unemployed single mom. Forced to live with her mother until she can find work on Capitol Hill that does not involve her gregarious ex-husband, her efforts are stymied until she learns that she has inherited a funeral home in picturesque Mt. Dora. Jennifer journeys to the small Florida town with her two sons and her mother, never dreaming that within a mortuary she will uncover mysteries of love and life.

Reader Reviews:

Doesn’t She Look Natural? proves the point that Angela Hunt is one of the most versatile authors writing today. Hunt can bring her readers up close and personal to any emotion common to the human heart, and she does just that in her latest release. With her trademark lovable, multifaceted characters and flawless, unpredictable storytelling, she allows us to view life through a lens that ranges from humor to pathos, from dreams to grit, from anger and frustration to courage and hope. I loved these people. I loved this book.” —BJ Hoff, author of the Mountain Song Legacy series, the American Anthem series, and An Emerald Ballad.

When an unexpected twist in life turns Jen upside down and shakes her, she gathers the spilled change from her pockets and begins anew. Hurt by the unwelcome death of her marriage, she nevertheless allows God to begin to heal her and breathe new life into her circumstances. A heroine to cheer for and identify with and an endearing ensemble of well-meaning but meddling mothers, sweetly persistent new friends and a few men who remember how to be honorable round out a light-hearted read that is simply to die for. –Sandra Byrd, author of Let Them Eat Cake and other novels.

Doesn’t She Look Natural is a wonderful change of pace for Angela Hunt. While still dealing with timely and serious subject matter, Angie does it with a refreshing breath of humor. Realizing that God is still in control of every situation of life (and death), the reader is shown a lighter side of circumstances that lifts the soul from the pit of despair and gives it hope in what lies ahead.

The little snippets of so-true-to-life Red Hatter escapades are a special added treat, especially for the other-side-of-fifty genre who will be enjoying this book. And I should know, being the real and original Queen Snippy! This is a truly delightful book that you will not be able to easily put down! Can’t wait for the next two books in this heart-warming series! –Tanzel Rousey, aka Queen Snippy, Red Hat Society of Heavenly Daze

Tomorrow: how the idea germinated.

P.S. I’ve just had the most fun making video trailers for my web site. I did them by category, so you’ll find them on the historical, contemporary, and children’s book pages.



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