It occurred to me earlier today that I may have to delete previous video clips before posting a ew ne because Blogger wants to play all the videos on a page simultaneously. So be sure to check every day this week to see a different clip!
Here it is: the official trailer for The Nativity Story movie, which opens Dec. 1: (I had to remove it because of the simultaneous feature, but you can view it at
OOOOH!! Looks GOOD!!!!
Hi Angie,
Mike Rich came and spoke in chapel @ work this morning about THE NATIVITY STORY. They showed an extended preview and he talked a bit about his journey through the screenwriting & filmmaking process — it was SO COOL!! I can not wait to see this film (the preview brought tears to my eyes, can’t imagine what the movie will do!). Mike was kind enough to sign my copy of your novelization…he was such a nice guy. Just had to share my excitement about this project…I want to start the novelization this weekend (hopefully I’ll have enough time, lol).
Angela –
I was wondering where you got the trailer. I’d like to post it.
i saw the trailer tonight when i saw “One night with the king” (which is an awesome movie btw). I found it fitting that TNS was the only trailer played too. every time i see it i get all teary eyed. heh.
Hey, that isn’t the same one as the movie that’s coming out this holiday season, is it? If so, I saw the previews and it looked good! Hey, I reviewed your book The Novelist and posted it on my blog. Check it out! One of the best books I’ve ever read. My blog address is…